Modern Warfare 4: 10 Things We Want

8. Proper Zombie Campaign

One of the few disappointments of Black Ops 2 was that Treyarch implied that Transit mode would essentially be a zombie campaign mode this time, but alas, it is not; it is an extended version of the zombie survival fare we've seen before, with a more sandbox-type feel to it. While it's a fun mode, as is the hilarious Grief mode, it's not the campaign we were expecting; we want a silly, Romero-esque, Dawn of the Dead-type shoot 'em up campaign, with characters, voice-overs, thrilling cut-scenes and so on. It wouldn't even have to be that long - because, frankly, it'd probably get a bit wearisome after a few hours - with three or four hours probably sufficing. The great thing is that there's so much zombie lore to draw from; a few parody levels of some classic zombie films and you're pretty much there. Plus, the sillier it is, the better, and it'll be a nice diversion from the usually achingly self-serious single-player campaign. We just hope that the next time a developer says it's a campaign, that it's just that.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]