Modern Warfare 4: 10 Things We Want

2. Hollywood-Grade Score

The third prong of this movie-game connection is the score; while previous games have employed the likes of Hans Zimmer and, most recently, Trent Reznor, to write their main themes, the bulk of the score sounds a lot more generic, coasting on the same forgettable beats every year; after all, how many classic pieces of music can you remember from the Call of Duty series? How about hiring a name composer like the aforementioned names to compose the entire score by themselves? We're thinking one of the few Hollywood composers with experience in this area, Harry Gregson-Williams, might be a great fit; with his sublime work on the scores for the late-day Metal Gear Solid games - some of the best game scores ever composed - he has managed to combine electronic synth work with sweeping orchestras, making for an affecting, epic mix. This sort of score would slot perfectly into the cinematic, epic tone Activision want their Call of Duty games to have, and frankly, we can't think of a better, more experienced composer.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]