Modern Warfare 4: 10 Things We Want

3. A-List Voice Actors

Black Ops 2 is blessed with some famous faces, such as Sam Worthington, Michael Rooker and Tony Todd, but we wouldn't exactly qualify any of them as A-list stars, especially as far as acting talent goes (we're mainly looking at you, Mr. Worthington). What really impressed us in previous games was the casting of the likes of Keifer Sutherland and Gary Oldman, bonafide movie stars who were also extremely talented actors; how about getting some more star power involved next time? After all, if you can get Robert Downey Jr. to star in one of your adverts, it can't be that hard to get someone of his stature into a sound booth, can it? This further ties into the previous point about video games wanting to aspire to Hollywood; if they want to compete with the cream of the movie crop, then they need to start acting like the best cinema by employing the best actors. With video games becoming a more appreciated and viable medium in the mainstream, great actors are starting to take it seriously, so we just hope that Treyarch and Infinity Ward realise the importance of casting their games judiciously just as Rockstar have with their GTA games.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]