Monster Hunter: World - 12 Incredibly Helpful Secrets You Need To Know
4. The Environmental Is Luscious, And Filled With Traps
It's very easy to walk straight past these, or otherwise not have the confidence/skill/knowledge to kite monsters around the map - though there are many benefits to doing so.
While a low-health beast will scarper off to recover if you give it an opening (species-dependant), others will charge after you once they're aggravated enough. This can work in your favour (providing you don't get flattened in the process), as there are TONS of environmental traps littering the various worlds.
Hit the touchpad/change view button to bring up your map, then use the cursor to hover over the staggering array of icons present. You'll find everything from patches of thick vines a creature will get stuck in, to chunks of the world itself that can break to release powerful streams of water.
If you want to practice with these ideas, head to any of the arena quests that pop up after a few hours' worth of gameplay. Here you can drop sacks of rocks on monster's heads, letting you get a feel for what is a safe distance, and where they should be standing before executing.