Monster Hunter: World - 12 Incredibly Helpful Secrets You Need To Know

1. Befriend The Poogie To Find More Items Around Astera

monster hunter world poogie

Besides being cuter than a handful of Porgs playing with a lightsaber, Monster Hunter's Poogies have been a mainstay of the games for years. A nappy-wearing mainstay, but one nonetheless.

Brilliantly though, they now have a discernible gameplay purpose: Finding items in Astera.

You'll first need to find the Poogie walking around near the Provisions Stockpile, and befriend it. You can pet, dress and rename the thing, but best of all - you can pick it up and walk around.

While this might feel like just the most shareable thing ever, make a point of continuing to walk around the hubworld and you'll feel your controller start to vibrate. It's because the Poogie can actually help you find items.

Just wander with it in your arms until you get a vibration, then put it down and follow to the dig site for your reward.

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