Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

3. Inventory Shortcuts: Hold X To Claim Rewards Faster & Use The Shoulder Buttons

Monster Hunter World Rewards

For the love of God, DO NOT "SELL ALL".

Why on Earth the game defaults to "Hey, do you want to sell all the monster parts you just worked hard to acquire?" is beyond me, but it does.

To remedy this, note that if you hold X/A over that first tile instead, the game will start an "auto-banking" mechanic - one that providing you keep the button held down, rockets through everything you just acquired and sends it back to your Item Box.

Much better.

Also be aware that you can use the shoulders buttons when in the Item Box menu to group-store anything, as well as removing items in batches. If you don't want to click the left stick to hop between your Pouch and Box, use R1/RB to move all of what you're highlighting at once, or hit R2/RT to discard instead.

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Gaming Editor

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