Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

2. Resource Quests, Taking Less Damage & How To Check In-Game

monster hunter world

So, you've got your head around hunting and weapon handling - but you won't really stand a chance against the biggest beasts in the kingdom until you've ranked up your armour. And that, takes Armor Spheres.

Thankfully, they're far easier to farm in World than any past Monster Hunter - requiring you to complete Bounties for the Resource Centre. These can range from "Draw Honey 5 times" to "Slay 20 small monsters", and upon completion, you'll nearly always get a Sphere, which can then be taken to the Smithee and used to upgrade armour.

All that said, you might be thinking that after accepting the quests, it's up to you to remember them.

Not so.

Hit pause and navigate to the "Quests" tab - then down to "Resource Center > Bounties" and you can view an up-to-date tracker of everything you've killed/picked up, alongside how close to completion you are.

I recommend deviating away from the main body of quests and embarking on an Expedition (by walking out any hub world's gate), then spending time doing the pleasantries of gathering mushrooms, killing small monsters etc.

Besides being therapeutic, the resulting Armor Spheres will rank you up considerably once you've cashed them back in.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.