Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

12. The Long Sword - And Many Other Weapons - Has A Secret Attack

Monster Hunter World

I stumbled upon this completely by accident (and shout out to any fellow Long Sword users), but MH World has a deceptively deep moveset for each weapon - with the Long Sword in particular getting one hell of an upgrade.

Basically, you want to attack a monster enough until the red Spirit Gauge in the top-left is full. From here, do a four-hit Spirit combo using just R2. It'll end with a stylish pirouette, and although the game doesn't flag anything other than putting a thicker white aura around the same gauge, you've actually entered a different mode.

Now you need to hit R2/RT+triangle/Y to do the same stab as always, but hit triangle/Y again, and you'll launch WAY up into the air, coming crashing down with a showering blow that hits a good handful of times, doing more damage than any other slash.

Experiment with other weapons and let me know down in the comments what you've found. And if you haven't finished a monster by coming flying down out of the sky using a katana... well... it's high time you did.

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