Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

11. Fallen Items During Combat Are Monster Parts

Monster Hunter World

It took me far, far too long to realise that you can get more monster parts than just what you carve off the beast at the end, and/or what's awarded through quest allocation.

In fact, some rarer things like Anjanath Fangs or certain species' tears will actually fall off during combat. Chances are you've seen these bright red or blue "items", potentially discarding them as just more Slinger ammo - yet they can be some of the most hard-to-come-by components in the game.

Next time the beast gets so wounded it leaves the area, take a moment to scour what's nearby. Note that only one player can pick up a fallen item like this, so it's first come, first served if you're in multiplayer.

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