Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

9. The Benefit Of Mounting A Monster

Monster Hunter World

There is one reason and one reason only to mounting a beast: Downing them.

I mean yes, it looks badass to latch onto some flying Rathalos and get carried up into the sky, furiously stabbing as you go, but hang on long enough and you'll trigger an animation that brings them to the ground.

Take note of when the buttons in the top right are lighting up (if you haven't turned the HUD off), as then you'll know when to press the attack or hang on for dear life.

Downing the beast can prevent it from running away to heal, essentially keeping the pressure on and netting you a better chunk of items faster. Also use the analogue stick while mounted to attack the head, body and tail of creatures, denoting which parts will drop during and after battle.

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