Monster Hunter: World - 15 Best Tips & Tricks On The Internet

8. The Minimap: What The Numbers & Different Aura Colours Mean

Monster Hunter World Map

Another one for during the hunt: Just what the hell do the little "+20" or "-35" numbers mean?

Strangely for something that's integral to you track them, these numbers refer to a monster's elevation in relation to you. A "plus X" value means the creature is above your position, whereas negative is below.

Also be aware of what colour the minimap's surrounding aura is. Basic grey means everything is normal, red means you're being targeted by a creature/you've aggravated something, and purple either means you've been poisoned, or are currently evading a beast's line of sight.

For the latter, use bushes/shrubbery or don the Ghillie Mantle to essentially disappear from sight temporarily. Different monsters are better than others at tracking in this state - just make sure you stay out an Anjanath's way when it starts sniffing the ground.

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