Mortal Kombat 1: 22 Biggest WTF Moments

9. What Did Sindel Say?

mortal kombat 1 ermac king jarrod
NetherRealm Studios

Even though a ton of effort has been put into MK1 to make it the best game possible, some mistakes managed to slip by. Although most of these flubs are minor or unnoticeable, there's one error that's so glaring, it's bewildering none of the developers clocked it.

While playing as Sindel in Story Mode, the Outworld empress is challenged by Reiko. Before the pair throw down, Sindel says, "Know that it will cost you your life". But by looking at the subtitles, players will notice it reads, "MK12_148_154,11".

After this blunder was brought to NetherRealm's attention, they made this statement -

"During the cinematic before the fight with Sindel and Reiko, there is missing text in the subtitles and is instead replaced with MK file name. It is supposed to say something to the effect of "know that it will cost you your life."

Because of NetherRealm's cheeky humour, it wouldn't be a surprise if this gaffe became a running joke in the series.


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