Mortal Kombat 1 DLC: 10 Guest Characters We Need To See

4. Pinhead (Hellraiser)

mortal kombat 1 kill bill
New World Pictures

Oh God, the fatalities... just think of the fatalities.

Pinhead from the dreaded Hellraiser franchise is no doubt a character many know. Even if you haven't seen any of the gore-fest movies, you'll likely still recognise the horrifying image of this pale figure with nails in their face. The character is known for their love of torture and sadomasochism. In that regard, Mortal Kombat would be a home away from home for them.

This monstrous Cenobite is an inter-dimensional demon with a thirst for inflicting horrifying pain on people. They have some killer supernatural abilities, commonly summoning hooked chains to tear people apart. Hell, they could even give Scorpion a run for his money.

As implied already, this is a character who would utterly dominate the fatality scene. Ripping off people's skin is a regular Tuesday for them, so just imagine what kind of utterly diabolical stuff they could pull off.

Either the Doug Bradley or Jamie Clayton versions of the character would work a treat and would get along fine with Mortal Kombat's cast of murderous weirdos.


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