Mortal Kombat 10: 10 Awesome Game Modes That Must Return
2. Tag Team Mode
While the Story Mode in the 2011 Mortal Kombat revamp added an impression of depth to the single-player game, the Tag Team Mode did wonders to crank up the excitement for the competitive side of MK. It was hardly a unique proposition, as we've been punching and kicking and Shoryuken'ing our way through tag battles for years now, but it was fresh for NetherRealm's franchise. Multiplayer has always been the at the heart of Mortal Kombat, so a tag team option means double the fighters, double the fun. And double the reason to rage quit and throw your controller through a window when your partner ruins the match for you. If the Tag Team Mode is to make an appearance in Mortal Kombat 10, it could do with a little bit of work though. The idea is solid, but there are one or two weak points which, if addressed, would make it an even more compelling way to play. Most importantly we need more ways to interact with our tag partners - more tag specials, tag combos... really just more two-on-one scenarios. Ideally there would be a fleshed-out tag career mode with its own narrative, a co-op campaign reminiscent of the long-form tag modes in some of the most popular WWE games. On a technical level, we need to be able to play proper online 4-player tag where all four gamers connect via their own consoles, so the netcode will have to be on point. With a few tweaks, MK 10's Tag Team option could be the competitive mode of choice.
Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.