Mortal Kombat 10: 10 Awesome Game Modes That Must Return

1. Challenge Tower

If you hurried your way through 2011's Mortal Kombat single-player Story Mode and then spent the rest of your time ripping people's heads off online, you missed something quite special: the Mortal Kombat Challenge Tower - a sprawling list of 300 unique challenges that will test every aspect of your Mortal Kombat abilities. The sheer variety of tasks scattered across this gargantuan to-do list will leave you reeling. You've got your basic "Beat your opponent using only roundhouse kicks" matches, the kind you will breeze through and then forget, as well as all manner of variations of other standard mini-games and so on, but it's when things get a bit absurd that the Challenge Tower is most entertaining. Matches where you need to kill your opponent by throwing your own limbs at them, or fast-motion rounds where each hit tilts the world left or right on its axis until it's tilted all the way in your favor, even matches where you win not by depleting the health bar but by spilling the most pints of blood... this is just a sample of the tricked-out game variants that pop up along the way to the top of the tower. Mortal Kombat 10 definitely needs the Challenge Tower, and it needs to be even more overloaded with over-the-top tasks, handicaps and oddball victory conditions. This mode also needs to be closely linked to the Krypt - the spooky realm where all of your unlocked goodies are archived - with even more to discover as you progress up the tower. Some may have skipped these challenges entirely, but this mode became something of a fan favorite among many MK devotees... gamers who would be thrilled to have the chance to battle their way up to the top once again in next years release. (Oh, and NetherRealm, this time can we please have something better than an alternate character costume as a prize for slogging through all the challenges? Thanks).

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.