Mortal Kombat 11: 9 Neglected Characters That Must Return
3. Rain

Like Reptile and Ermac before him, Rain entered the Mortal Kombat universe first as an Easter egg; later as a bonafide playable character. Essentially the last of the 'palette swap' ninja archetypes before NetherRealm diversified MK's cast visually, the native Edenian has since been made playable only three times since his inception, the most recent of which being as a DLC addition for MK9.
The purple-loving weather manipulator popped up to greet and meet his fan service commitments in MK X's campaign, but Rain's otherwise short number of roster appearances is puzzling, to say the least. Disappointed modders subsequently brute-forced him into playable status by using his story mode move set (itself lifted from MK 9), but it remained far from a desirable fix.
On the bright side, fan efforts to keep Rain relevant is something NetherRealm must be keenly aware of; solving the character's apparent death at the stake is now the only barrier between him and a spot on the sequel's roster.