Mortal Kombat 11: All 19 Characters CONFIRMED So Far

15. Geras

Mortal Kombat 11 Geras

Status: Officially confirmed & seen as playable.

One of two all-new characters, Geras is a time-bending mound of muscle with one of the coolest fatalities we've seen so far.

Seeing him punch someone so hard in the back of the head that the top half of their face flies off, Geras will break the fighting game genre wide open by being the first character to ever actively control the match timer.

Get an opponent down to low enough health and you can finish them by wiping 30 seconds off the clock - potentially enough to end the bout there and then.

How NetherRealm have balanced such a ludicrous-sounding ability remains to be seen, but Geras looks unstoppable, feels invincible, and very much has time on his side.

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