Mortal Kombat 11: Ranking EVERY Fatality So Far

6. Skarlet

First appearing in MK 2011 as DLC, the woman made entirely of blood is a bit of a newbie. In fact, this is her full game debut after missing MK X altogether, and seemingly only showing up in the comics so Mileena could break her legs.

All this means that if you include MK 11, she has a grand total of four fatalities to her name. Not a lot to judge her on then but don't worry, what she brings to the table will fill your heart with murderous glee you little psycho you.

She has the ability to control blood/liquid, as seen in her first fatality where she drains all of the water out of Geras before turning it solid and making a human shish kebab out of him. Skarlet then follows this up by jamming one of the spikes through his head and popping out an eye ball.

Because Mortal Kombat.

And we're only at number 6...


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.