Mortal Kombat 11: Ranking The ENTIRE Roster From Worst To Best

19. Erron Black

mortal kombat 11 spawn

Another character returning from his approved premiere in MK X.

Erron Black for the most part is a six-shooting, shotgun wielding marksman who is unparalleled in his primary department. Admittedly, this fighter does have his own array of moves that feel complimentary, but incredibly cheap at times, too.

This makes Erron Black both a nightmare and a wet dream.

He’s a versatile character who can attack from many different angles, has meter burn moves that will bury the opposition before they have a chance to get close enough to even catch a scent of his breath, but ultimately his downfall comes in both his characteristics and painful lack of development.

We learn everything we need to know about him from the initial outlook, but the overabundant technicalities exclusively focused on his Kombat (in juxtaposition to the writing applied to him) creates a near perfect entity that would fit neatly into any fighting game roster.

With zero character development though, he lacks an identity outside of being "that guy that looks like the year 3005’s answer to John Wayne".


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: