Mortal Kombat 11: Ranking The ENTIRE Roster From Worst To Best

9. Geras

mortal kombat 11 spawn
NetherRealm Studios

This magnificent manipulator of chronological events feels ahead of his time even in the year 2020. He’s that far ahead of the curve that witnessing his appearance is enough to send even the most hardened of MK veterans into a frenzy of melancholic hysteria.

Clocking in for the first time. Geras makes it substantially clear his focus is built around the concept of time itself, controlling and alleviating it at will. Making for a dynamic mechanic that is emphatic for toying with opponents and opening a door in the process that fundamentally leaves the player with an endless myriad of possible tactics of attack.

The only thing that freezes Geras in place is a prosaic character arc. Feeling closer to a generically expendable villain that has little potential in regards to continuity in the series, it knocks him down to no.9.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: