Mortal Kombat 12: 10 Things Fans NEED To See

2. Tweak And Build Upon Content, Don't Give Less

Mortal Kombat 12

At launch, for your money in Mortal Kombat 2011 there were 27 Arenas and 28 characters and in MK11 there were 19 arenas and 24 characters.

Due to there being much fewer places to go, konquest mode is also a good 2-3 hours shorter than that game's story was, more in line with MKX's thin offering.

This is a drastic reduction in the content when sequels are supposed to build upon what came before to give players more bang for their buck.

Mortal Kombat used to give you one of the best dollar-to-content ratio in the business, and if it wasn't for the insanely long grinding, you'd be blazing through everything this one offered very quickly.

The krypt in MK11 is the perfect example of how expanding that aspect of the game was a great achievement, give every aspect of the game the same level of expansion after 4 years of waiting for the fans and they'll be very happy.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.