Mortal Kombat: Ranking All 7 Female Ninjas From Worst To Best

5. Frost

Mortal Kombat
Midway Games

A cryomancer like her teacher Sub-Zero, Frost is an arrogant – and dare I say hot-headed – Lin Kuei warrior with intentions to become the clan's Grandmaster.

First appearing in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, she's regarded as the female version of Sub-Zero minus the chilled personality. Her ice-based attacks aren't as strong, but her Tong Bei-based fighting style allows her to be quick and agile when delivering her combos and moves. She's also pretty darn nifty with her twin ice daggers.

Moveset aside, Frost's incarnation in the original timeline is an intriguing one. She's not here for the fanservice (somewhat), and she can hold her own in one-on-one match-ups. Like Scorpion, she's out to get Sub-Zero and will do anything it takes to kill him.

This all opens up a wide range of possibilities in the current timeline: an underground fighter before becoming Sub-Zero's protégée, Frost is chief amongst the female Lin Kuei members yet still retains a hint of her hauteur. She's loyal to her Sifu, but for how long? Could she one day play a bigger part in a future instalment?

One hopes so. Frost is certainly not the best, but she's not a slouch, either.


A Journalism graduate raised on Disney, Britcoms and Archie Comics (in no particular order). Loves dogs, addicted to tea and is an all-round Sims fanatic. Has a fondness for virtual archers and cowboys of the Mortal Kombat and Overwatch variety, and is patiently biding her time until fan-girling becomes a recognised profession.