Mortal Kombat X: 10 Overpowered Characters Who Need Downgrading

8. Tanya (Kobu Jutsu)

There's a very good reason why NetherRealm nerfed Tanya just weeks after her release - she was that good. Those nightmarish days may be long gone, but Tanya's Kobu Jutsu variant is still in the realms of top-tier, and godlike in the right hands. Out of the entire current roster, no other character can match her aerial game. Trying to get in quick with a jump to avoid Tanya's projectile Tonfa attack is essentially suicide, due to how quickly she can get in your face with linkable teleport combos. Now, I know you're thinking that teleports are highly telegraphed and easy to predict, and they are. Usually. Tanya doesn't play by your preconceived rules, though. She can cancel or delay her teleports at any point, meaning you probably have more chance of winning the lottery twice on the trot than countering anything she throws at you. I don't care if you already nerfed her, NetherRealm. Tanya needs a second dose.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.