NBA 2K18: 5 Best New Features In MyTeam

2. Super Max Mode

NBA 2K18

Another excellent addition to the online gaming experience in 2K18 and arguably one of the most welcome sights, is the decision for 2K to include the Super Max mode.

Super Max has been put in to allow gamers the chance to play other 2K players get a fair crack at the whip and play someone of equal footing. The initial game mode requires players to play grading games to see where they will sit in the league standings, but the biggest feature sees players unable to select a team of superstars.

A figurative 'salary cap' is placed on your line-up, meaning players need to balance their superstars with role players and stay within the cap limit in order to play the game. Developers have built in functions to recognise when certain player cards are being used by lots of players in the game, and this could push the card to a 'super max' card.

It's going to be an intriguing balancing act, and should ensure that both old and new players of 2K keep coming back for more.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.