$15 for the new HITMAN game. Sounds good right? Well as somebody much cleverer than me once said, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Although the latest HITMAN game can be picked up on March 11th for an initial release price of $15, the rest of the game will be released episodically, meaning you'll need to fork out $10 more for every subsequent update pack. It's either that or pay top buck of $60 up front and have access to all of the content as and when it's released. In a new year update published on the HITMAN website developers Io-Interactive announced that the games release will be staggered to allow them to "Create a living game that will expand and evolve over time." Included in the initial "Intro Pack" will be a Prologue and access to the Paris location, with each monthly update spoon-feeding you another location (firstly Italy, then Morocco, followed by the US, Thailand and Japan.) In a world where season passes and DLC are becoming the norm, Io-Interactive and parent company Square-Enix are banking on the episodic format, with the Final Fantasy VII remake supposedly being released in a similar fashion. Whether this is just a ploy to pull us in with a cheap start price and then bleed us dry with each update, or if it will help Io-interactive "shape the game with the people playing it" remains to be seen. Are you still interested in a Hitman game that's presented episodically? Let us know in the comments!
I work at a college as a janitor even though I feel like I'm smarter than most of the people who go there. Sometimes I see an equation written on a blackboard like half an equation and I just figure it out.
Really though I'm a Journalism graduate so I like to write words and stuff. Getting back into it thanks to WhatCulture! Oh and my best friend is Ben Affleck...