New Pokémon Snap: 8 Confirmed Gameplay Details

7. A Familiar Scoring System To The Original

new pokemon snap

Unlike standard Pokemon games, Snap is based entirely around trying to get the highest scores you can for each of the photographs you take. In the original it was trusty Professor Oak that judged your best snaps, but now it will be Professor Mirror aided by team members Rita and Phil.

Despite the change in Professor the scoring system remains relatively unchanged from 20 years ago. Your points are based on poses, size, placement and other pokemon of the same type also appearing in the picture. There are two new additions to the scoring, direction, which was previously included as part of poses and backgrounds.

The different categories mean it will take multiple goes to get that perfect picture of each and every one. The scoring also brings a learning curve for new players.

Most players will be able to find and take pictures of all the Pokemon on offer, but it will keep people coming back to get higher scores until they have the perfect shot.


Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK