NFL 2K21: 10 Things Fans Want To See

6. Some Old 2K Elements

2K Sports

Old timers out there will get all misty-eyed when remembering ESPN NFL 2K5. Back in 2004, it was a phenom on PS2 and Xbox. In 2020, it's still fun to go back and play if one can forgive the naturally archaic looks and some of the celebrity involvement; seeing Jamie Kennedy (not this writer) 15 years on from relevancy is a trip.

It'd be wise of 2K to draft in some nostalgia from a series that's so beloved. They could do this in easy ways by structuring menus to look like they've been pulled straight out of a time capsule, or by drizzling some of that SportsCenter presentation onto the pre-match intros.

Neither retro nod would be hard to implement.

2K will have to take care not to date their product though. They'll want to put a smile on older fan faces without alienating those new to the series, and they definitely shouldn't try to package this as some grand remaster job of old titles.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.