NFL 2K21: 10 Things Fans Want To See

7. A Glitch-Free Product

Madden 20 Clipping
EA Sports

Would you just look at that screenshot above? In it, one player's hand has passed through another's helmet, and it's leaves the play looking like a twisted mess of pixels. Again, this totally removes the player from the moment and reminds them that they're playing some rushed annual update rather than a trusty simulation of NFL action.

Madden's clipping issues should be something 2K focus on fixing. Seeing players ghost through one another on important plays breaks the immersion of things. Please, please, please can that get fixed? Please? Even if 2K21 turns out to be an arcade rush, it still needs to be bug-free.

Defences shouldn't be twitching lines of hyper-flexible bodies who sort of bump into one another, become tangled and end up falling though the turf. They need to be solid entities that interact realistically with one another.


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.