Nintendo NX: 8 Innovative Console Features It Must Have

2. A (Subtle) Touchscreen

The touchscreen in the Wii U controller was ludicrous. It was wholly unnecessary and paved the way for cheap third party developers to rush in with their most gimmick-laden fantasies and put them to test in the real world. Nobody could take a chunky, knock-off iPad seriously as a genuine controller. However, that's not to say a touchscreen wouldn't be completely useless. I feel like a compromise would get the best of both worlds. The PS4 has subtly introduced a touch pad to the controller. It's small, sleek, and can be used successfully for certain tasks. Now imagine a very slightly bigger touchscreen being implemented in the centre of the control pad. I know you're screaming 'DREAMCAST' at your screen right now, but no. A subtle touchscreen to be used only for things like in-game maps could work superbly. The Wii U's reliance on the small screen is part of its downfall, but subtly it could work.
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