Nintendo NX: 8 Reasons It's Already Doomed

1. It's Going To Get Left Behind

If the NX launches at the earliest time predicted (late 2016) then that'll be three years after the launch of the PS4 and Xbox One in many territories. At that point, Nintendo is only going to be getting started. All consoles experience a teething period; the time it takes to feel out the market and begin consistently launching strong titles.

It could be four or five years into this generation of consoles by the time the NX is hitting its stride. Consider the fact that your typical console generation lasts anywhere from 6 €“ 8 years and you might see how this is a problem. Not only have the PS4 and Xbox One worked out many of their initial kinks (a recent Xbox One update introduced substantial backwards compatibility amongst other things) but they've already launched some of their software heavy hitters (Bloodborne and Halo 5 respectively) with quite a few more in development. All this means Nintendo are going to find themselves struggling desperately to keep up. The other consoles have had a massive amount of time to tweak and improve, whereas Nintendo are going back to square one. Not only that, but even if the three main consoles do overlap for a good few years, in terms of technology, graphical capability and ultimately third party support, the NX is eventually going to get left behind in the previous generation. And that, is exactly what happened with the Wii U. Is the NX going to be doomed from the start? Let us know in the comments if you think it has a shot against the PS4 and Xbox One!

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.