Nintendo NX: 8 Rumours That Would Dominate Xbox One & PS4

3. There'll Be An Amazing Launch Line Up

Having a host of great games at launch is something that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have all struggled with in recent years. It's a difficult balance to master. On the one hand, video game companies have set time frames €“ time frames they've spent a lot of money planning and researching, attempting to capitalise on consumer trends and spending.

Often, these time frames don't match up with when first and thirty party development teams have finished their best games. Take the launch of the Wii U, for example. Nintendo released a bunch of rather dated third party ports and a New Super Mario Bros game (a series that has become the subject of much fan weariness and scepticism). It tends to be the case that companies rush out hardware when they feel the time is best, even if that hardware doesn't have a lot of great software to go with it. The same thing happened with the Nintendo 3DS. Sometimes, however, that lack of momentum at the start can do lasting damage. With the NX, Nintendo is unlikely to make the same mistake again. In fact, if rumours are to be believed, Nintendo is going to have an amazing launch line up for the NX, as several prominent games have reportedly been ushered from development for the Wii U to the new system. The project Retro Studios was working on, for example. Could it be a new entry in the Metroid Prime series? What about that Animal Crossing game fans were expecting? And with the delay of the new Zelda game, it would be extremely surprising if it didn't show up on the NX (even if it is the Wii U's swansong, too). That's not to mention the fact that the last 3D Mario game was released in 2013.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.