Nintendo’s 10 Biggest Failures EVER

9. Overturning Decisions On The SNES Classic

Mario wii u

If you thought Nintendo learned the error of their ways on how the NES Classic was mishandled, guess again.

Six months after the Switch launched, the company released the SNES Classic; a mini-version of the Super Nintendo. It came with 21 pre-installed games including Starfox 2; a game that was never officially released before. Fans wanted to get their nostalgic fix and so, bought the console in droves.

So how did Nintendo screw this up? Well, because the NES Classic was a success, the company assumed this console would have similar sales. However, the SNES Classic sold almost double the amount, meaning Nintendo couldn't keep up with demand.

Thousands of consumers pre-ordered the SNES Classic on Walmart even though there wasn't enough consoles to go around. This forced Nintendo to cancel Walmart orders, much to the company's embarrassment.

This made gamers so frustrated, hackers were emulating their own games on the SNES Classic and selling the consoles at bootleg auctions, which damaged Nintendo's reputation.

As with the NES Classic, Nintendo believed it was in their best interest to focus on the Switch and decided to cancel development on the SNES Classic in December 2018.

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James Egan has been with Whatculture for five years and prominently works on Horror, Film, and Video Games. He's written over 80 books including 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts About James Bond 1000 Facts About TV Shows