Nintendo Switch: 10 Crucial Pros & Cons You Must Consider
5. Pro: World's First Portable Home Console Experience
Right then, onto the really good stuff. The reality of the Switch - especially now the press have gotten some hands-on time - is that all of Nintendo's claims for a 'portable home console' are totally true. At this stage all I've been able to play is Zelda and Just Dance 2017, but the system docks and un-docks with ease, as the picture re-calibrates its resolution within literally a couple seconds, depending on whether you're playing on a TV or the tablet itself.
It can't be understated how insanely cool it is to know an entire home system's worth of kit is contained in a tablet about the size of your hand. It'll dawn on you just as you slot it in and out of the dock - you don't even need a TV to experience everything the Switch can - and will - do.
If you do though, great, enjoy twice the resolution and surround sound capabilities that come with a home cinema setup, but if you don't, the Switch is going to provide the notion of 'home console gaming' no matter which room you're in, if you're on the go, or anywhere in between.