Nintendo Switch: 10 Crucial Pros & Cons You Must Consider

3. Pro: The Best Local Multiplayer Games, Set Up Instantly

FIFA 17, Robert Lewandowski
EA Sports

What was the last multiplayer game you played locally?


In the push towards social media and a constantly-interconnected populace, we've somewhat leapfrogged the fact that 'couch co-op' always had immortal appeal, yet has slowly disappeared from gaming overall.

Yes, playing online is a blast, but when you can literally just give one 'half' of your controller to the person next to you for an instant game, it stands a good chance of re-revolutionising the industry all over again.

What's key now, is for Nintendo to ensure they have a solid catalogue of multiplayer games ready to go, both at launch, and at a steady clip throughout 2017. We know ARMS, Mario Kart, Snipperclips, NBA 2K and FIFA are on the cards in the months to come, and when all of these are combined together, Switch could be the place to play with your friends.

Well, your in-person ones, anyway.

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Gaming Editor

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