Nintendo Switch: 10 Launch Rumours You Need To Know
6. Splatoon Will Be A Pack-In Title
Nintendo have long been fans of the "pack in title", a game which is included with the console when bought. For the Wii it was Wii Sports, one of the best-selling games of all time, and for the Wii U it was Nintendo Land.
The prevalent rumour, then, is that the Nintendo Switch's pack in title will be an upgraded port of Splatoon, which features new maps, cosmetics and weapons. It's fairly logical - Splatoon was a huge success (relative to the number of people who bought the Wii U), a game which was critically acclaimed nad spawned massive tournaments in Japan.
Many, many people who never owned a Wii U are eager to play Splatoon, so making the port a mandatory title with every Switch console would be a huge draw at launch.