Nintendo Switch: 10 Obvious Flaws That Need Fixing
7. Working Thumbsticks
Ah, we all knew this one was coming. The Joycon Thumbstick debacle
has been raging since the first month the Nintendo Switch hit store
shelves. It is, quite frankly, embarrassing for Nintendo that a console
with this kind of price tag has such flimsy, easily-breakable
But hey, no biggie right? Just buy yourself a new set of Joycons! That'll only set you back £60, more than the price of a brand new Switch game. What a steal!
£60 out of your pocket for a product that shouldn't have broken with such ease in the first place. Less "Joycon" and more just "con", right fellas?
The problem has gotten so bad that a law firm, Chimicles Schwartz Kriner & Donaldson-Smith, recently announced they'd be suing Nintendo for damages. Nintendo's request to dismiss the lawsuit was also denied back in March, so hopefully something will actually come of this in the next few months.
Of course, there is a way around all this. Buy a Pro Controller! That's right guys, give Nintendo MORE money and put your Joycons in a draw somewhere - until of course you get a real burning desire to play 1-2-Switch... said no one.