Nintendo Switch: 15 GameCube Games That Must Be On Virtual Console

14. Viewtiful Joe

Nintendo switch

Henshin a-go go, baby!

Another anomaly in the GameCube library and the wider range of games available between 2000 and 2006 when Wii launched, Viewtiful Joe is a retro-style 2D beat ‘em up that called to mind Final Fight and Streets of Rage. But it modernised the style of gameplay available by offering various film-based mechanics dubbed 'VFX'. You could speed up the action to dodge enemy patterns or go slow-mo for multiple attacks used to rack up combos.

Viewtiful Joe was beautiful to look at because it was presented with a comic book aesthetic that was well-crafted and was a mash-up of popular American comic books across the decades.

It took a simple story - a kidnapped girlfriend, an evil organisation - and added humour and heart. But the action was what mattered most and Viewtiful Joe delivered the punch of a side-scroller with the difficulty of a SHMUP.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.