Nintendo Switch: 15 GameCube Games That Must Be On Virtual Console

13. Eternal Darkness

Nintendo switch
Silicon Knights

This survival horror title kept much of what made horror games slightly niche with its fairly difficult controls and creepy locations to explore. But it also weaved a strong tale connecting several playable characters spanning varying historical eras and blended a combat and magic system that was all its own.

Famed for its insanity meter, players would experience Hideo Kojima-esque fourth wall breaking effects if they allowed their character to become too freaked out by all the monstrosities they had to fend off. Volume on the television would change itself, characters would start to glitch through floors and walls, random blue screen of death Windows error screens would appear.

At worst, you might even have been confronted with a (fake) save screen announcing your entire game file was being deleted. Terrifying!

A big deal was made of this title not only because of its mature themes and content on a system perceived as just for kids, but also because so many fans clamoured for a sequel that never came. The name of the franchise itself is enough to still generate headlines in 2016.


Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.