Nintendo Switch 2020 Wish List: 10 Things We Need To See
The console has been going strong - but what do we want to see next from Nintendo?

So far, the Switch has been pretty smooth sailing for Nintendo. The hardware is equally appealing to youngsters and more serious gamers, the system has boasted some genuinely classic exclusive titles, and is a great platform for indie games to boot. However, a games console is not unlike a shark, and if they don’t keep moving forward, they’ll surely sink.
Nintendo are by no means infallible, and there are quibbles and issues that even their most ardent fans will raise with their latest console. Whether it’s a problem with the console itself or concerns over the way they treat their extensive back catalogue, there are areas for improvement that we’d like to see considered in the coming year, as well as things we’d like to see happen in general.
Some of the items on this wishlist are likely in development already, while others are a little more hopeful or speculative but whatever you might want from the developers, we’d like to think things are moving in the right direction at Nintendo headquarters - all that they need is a little push.
10. More Reliable Online Play

Nintendo haven’t been the multiplayer kings for a long while now, but they’re starting to embrace the world of online play (as any games company must do these days if they wish to stay relevant). There are titles that have online gamers' mouths watering, but Nintendo are finding their feet pretty slowly.
The Switch’s online features simply aren’t all that reliable. For some games, like Mario Kart or third party ports like Rocket League, it’s fine more often than not. Super Smash Bros Ultimate, though, had serious teething problems right from the off. Matches were glitchy and prone to freezing up altogether, especially when you had a lot of people involved (which is surely the point of online play). Similarly, Mario Maker 2 gives players the option to race strangers across a literally endless selection of Mario levels, but the propensity for crashing makes the game often unplayable.
To be fair to Nintendo, they tend to fix the issues that arise quickly enough, but each new game they debut to fanfare seems to come stuttering and stumbling out of the gate. Online play clearly isn’t one of their priorities - but they might need to change that stance.