Nintendo Switch: 9 Hidden Console Features You Didn't Know About

6. Make Your TV Turn On When It Boots Up

Nintendo Switch Hdmi

In the grand scheme of eliminating any unnecessary button presses from all technological interactions, the Switch can take control of your TV. This means when you boot it up, say everything is turned off, your Switch turns your TV on and changes the input to the right channel, too.

Pretty cool.

Whilst many consumers have complained this feature kicks them off other inputs mid-program, the on-by-default option to 'Match TV Power State' can be monitored from within the System Settings.

Keeping it on will actually power your Switch back down if you turn the TV off first, too.

The vast majority of modern TVs support this 'handshaking' between system and TV, but don't be too disappointed if your favourite purchases can't be friends.

Move over PS4 and Xbox One, the Switch controls the living room.

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