Nintendo Switch: 9 Things Nobody Wants To Admit

6. Friend Codes

Nintendo Switch Eshop

Seriously, how is this still an active part of Nintendo's core online experience?

For years now, Nintendo loyalists have insistently begged for some change in regards to how friends are added. Friend codes, the twelve digit number sequence that represents your account, have been hated pretty much since their inception. The hatred mostly boils down to their inconvenience and overall pointlessness

"What's the point of a friend code when people could just add by username?", asks everyone. "Uh... hey look, Nintendo Labo!", they respond whilst slowly backing out of the room.

To Nintendo's credit, they did at least add in a few more options for the Switch, in the forms of searching for local players and random people you've played with recently. Nintendo may have taken half of a step in the right direction, but the fact that there was a change that still didn't satisfy makes this feel like more of a missed opportunity than a positive solution.


someone remind me to edit this