Nintendo Switch Tips & Tricks: 8 Features You Totally Missed

1. Play A Free Game & Touching Satoru Iwata Tribute

Golf nes

Hands-down the most heartwarming and downright genius feature of the Switch is the inclusion of 1984's NES classic, Golf.

Literally, it lives within the heart of every system for a very special reason: Golf was coded by Nintendo's own dearly missed Satoru Iwata,and you can access it in a way that's masterfully handled.

First, set your console clock to July 11th (the day Iwata passed away in 2015), or wait until that time each year to know that many others around the world are doing the same.

Now, go back to the main menu, hold your Joy-Cons one in each hand, and mimic the "Direct to you" motion that Iwata used to do for many years, seen here:

satoru iwata nintendo direct

When you get it right, Iwata himself will say "chokusetsu" (meaning "direct") and you'll boot into Golf, where you can play as many one or two player rounds as you like, knowing it's something of a gift from Satoru that the game was even released in the first place.

Best of all, Nintendo even went back and coded motion controls for each swing, ostensibly making this the best "What would Wii Sports look like in the 1980s?" idea ever.

Hint: If you need a specific how-to video guide, check this out.


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