No Man's Sky: 10 Valid Complaints In A Sea Of Hate

10. The Multiplayer Potential Is Underused

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Hello Games

The fact that some players seem to be chastising No Man's Sky for not being in the classic MMO style or shoehorning a Destiny-esque game into its universe is fairly preposterous. Anyone who watched any development diary with Hello Games' Sean Murray will have unequivocally known that this would not be the case.

What we can be peeved about, however, is that there's a distinct feel of missed potential about the social elements that do exist in the game. We know that other players are out there, and were told that things take place in a "shared universe", that we could leave clues of our presence for other players. We were also told that the chances of actually bumping into another player would be "pretty much zero".

Unfortunately for the developers, two players actually havemanaged to bump into each other already. When the two arrived at the same place, though, they weren't able to see each other there at all. This news got back to Sean Murray, who was surprised that this had happened so early, but little was actually said about whether there'd be a fix for this issue.

It's an absolutely golden opportunity that's been missed in the game, and one we can be genuinely disappointed by.

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No Man's Sky
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.