No Man's Sky: 16 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

7. Organise Your Inventory Into Shapes For Bonuses

no man's sky
Hello Games

Rather like how placement of mutagens next to certain coloured abilities in The Witcher 3 would give Geralt small stat boosts, in No Man's Sky, placing similar upgrades in connecting shapes will do the same.

Now, get your thinking cap on and think of which item enhancements would be in the same 'family'. For example, take your ship's Plasma Cannon - sticking an additional damage upgrade next to it won't do much, but make an L-shape or a T-shape by putting multiple upgrades together, and you'll receive an overall bonus.

Many items have to be broken down and reassembled as you can't move them, but have a think next time you're installing something on your suit, ship or Multi-Tool, realise that placement is quite literally everything.

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No Man's Sky
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