No Man's Sky: 16 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

8. Befriend Creatures To Find Rare Resources

No Mans SKy animal
Hello Games/ROUGEZ

We covered the idea of feeding creatures over here, as not only will they follow you around and - depending on their mood/abilities - help you out in combat, but the main reason to befriend one is to find rarer materials.

Just walk up to any creature that isn't immediately trying to bite your face off and you'll see a 'Feed' prompt. Different beasts require different foods (they're all resource-types like Plutonium, Iron etc.), and once you've done this a 'smiley face' icon will pop up.

Now just stand back and see what happens - more often than not your newfound pal will dart off in a random direction to unearth a more precious commodity.

Larger, slower creatures will poop stuff out for you as well, which is just lovely. Just think of that sweet new Multi-Tool you're going to buy at the end of all this...

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No Man's Sky
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