No Man's Sky: 16 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

12. Buy Almost Any Ship You See

no mans sky ship
Hello Games

When you finally get off your first planet and jump to a nearby star system, you'll be able to start touching down in the various space stations that float around within. Inside are traders you can barter with if you head left or right and through the respective doors, but instead, hang around and wait for other ships to land.

From here, walk up and interact with them, where you'll be able to trade items with the pilots and make offers on the ships themselves. It makes for a perfect bout of space-age window shopping, eyeing up a specific ship you like as it comes in, and taking it off the owner's hands/claws/reptile spikes within seconds.

Just make sure you've got plenty of units, which I can help you with...

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No Man's Sky
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