No Man's Sky NEXT: 15 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

12. You Can Complete Multiple Quests At Once

no mans sky
Hello Games

Unlocked once you've gained the ability to craft Antimatter/Warp Cells and cross-galaxy travel, Mission Boards will pop up at every Space Station.

Though it's somewhat obvious if you're used to grinding through side quests in RPGs in general, you can take multiple quests at once, and complete them in tandem.

Criteria you can combine is anything relating to both "Predator Kills" and "Creature Kills", or "Destroy X number of ships" with "Destroy Sentinels", for example. Even if you only have one of these active on-screen at any given time, they'll both be completed in the background.

Experiment with other combinations of quests to maximise credits and Nanite Clusters, and let us know in the comments if you find any notable high-earners.

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