Outer Worlds: 11 Disturbing Secrets & Locations You Totally Missed

1. Frey's Silent Voices

The Outer Worlds
Private Division

There's nothing spookier than a derelict space station in a sci-fi story. So many movies and games, from Event Horizon to Dead Space, have made it the centre of their plot, and it wouldn't have been right if The Outer Worlds also didn't have one you could visit.

The station in question is Relay GB-23, a communications centre that you're tasked to check out. For some reason it's gone offline, and after killing the robots there, you can piece together why.

Reading the nearby data logs, it's revealed that a man named Frey made the station his home, in order to get away from the voices in his ahead. Across a bunch of diary entries, he recollects how the voices are driving him to do terrible things, that they're becoming too much and he's afraid of what he'll do.

In an attempt to escape, he travels to the station to get as far away as possible. While it initially works, the voices come back with a vengeance, and with no way to satiate the bloodlust, he puts a bullet in his brain to drown them out forever.


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