Outlast 2: 10 Scariest Moments From The Demo

1. Getting Caught

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Red Barrels

While some players have exploited a glitch to get a thorough look at Outlast 2's antagonist in the demo, all players will get the chance to encounter her as the playthrough comes to an end. This is not an exchange you'll remember too fondly, however, as she appears to kill you at the end of the twenty-odd minute gameplay experience.

After you escape the corn field, you'll wander past a few cabins and shacks as you head for the light of the large barn. Rounding the final corner will be a relief, until you see a figure stood before you with a pretty industrial looking weapon in their grasp.

When she turns and knocks you to the floor at the very end, you'll be so helpless you'll suddenly wonder if you could have acted quicker and escaped. Sadly, however, that's not the case; you'll instantly realise that the axe-like weapon that butchers your crotch is the final moment of the demo, leaving you with one of the most gruesome perspective shots that the series has produced thus far.

Chris Walker was horrible, but at least he left the 'nads in one piece!


Brave enough to have played the Outlast 2 demo? Let us know what moments scared you the most and join the discussion in the comments below!

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.