Outlast 2: 10 Scariest Moments From The Demo

4. Leaving The Locker

Outlast 2 Locker
Red Barrels

Hiding places in Outlast were the saviour of many a panicked player. Ducking under a bed frame or into a cupboard could buy you enough time to calm down, re-collect your thoughts and help you plan an escape strategy. In the demo for Outlast 2, it seems as though this will be the same... mostly.

Moving through the school in the demo gets creepier and creepier and the supernatural presence gets more unsettling the further you travel. Eventually when a corridor of lockers is filled with chilling laughter and slamming doors, you'll tuck yourself into a locker and wait comfortably while the madness subsides. Then everything calms down, you'll think you can step out into safety.

Wrong! A second or two after leaving the locker, you'll be grabbed by a hideously mutated creature that throws you back to the other end of the corridor before disappearing into the darkness. What's so horrible about this sequence is that there's enough of a pause after you leave the locker to let you think nothing's going to happen and that you're safe.

Once again, Outlast 2 sets you up to knock you down.

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Outlast 2
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.